Consider: Money #02

Money Index

Consider: Money #02

Money #01

₪Shekels₪ *rubs hands together*

Pretty crazy to consider just how VASTLY, and MASSIVELY money impacts everything we see around us. In the past, it probably wasn't quite like that. The same, but only on 1/100 of the extent. Money drives the things that shape our world around us, and we've all become really noseblind and desensitized to it, the same way we got desensitized to uncanny valley inhuman freaks in all media and IRL.

They say that Cain killed Abel out of jealousy, and also that the love of money is the root of all evil. Sooo, what's going on here. And "money" only works, purely on faith. Blind faith, and mega tons of peer pressure on all sides, conditioning everyone that this is completely normal. All this money shit is about as natural as the baffos on the electric flickering metal box.

The childhood media we all consumed and grew up on, often thinking about? From books, to radio, to AV, to stage performances, to consumer goods and services and advertisements, this was ALL!! made possible, by money. That stuff that's now printed up out of nothing, and destroyed just as fast. Literally shredded. And you can buy officially shredded USA decommissioned currency.

Print comics and books are cheap enough. That's probably the most original form of physical media. Vocal is only technically physical media, but you can't keep it, except in your memory. If you can touch your memory, notify me immediately.

Those shows everyone remembers so fondly? High budget production, some of which was ONLY possible in exactly that time and place. The "Golden Age" refers not necessarily to the quality of the works produced, even though Golden Ages are booms and yeah, but to the demand for people skilled to work in those fields. Even really crappy artists will consistently get all the work for the major companies, because if there's one thing he can do right, one and only one thing, it's meet deadlines. Other people, how they got to be so established in their prominent roles in industries... Usually nepotism is involved, sometimes they buy their position... That's really true of academia.

The willingness of commoners to give up money for something they like, means companies will seek out people skilled to produce those medias, goods, and services. People always go "this is my glorious dream project that's really unique", but they remain with only their fanfic and nothing else, because they can't cut it in the industry. Kickstarters, hooo boy those usually end up being hilarious trainwrecks. Some of them worked out great, though.

But it's so convoluted and twisted, when you consider that at some point recently in USA history, insane gobs of money printed with no backing, FLOODED the economy, devaluing the money that once backed real goods and services.

The phrase "there's no business like show business", probably hinted at theater and the newly-introduced television systems, being funded with fake money. And things just kept speeding down that path, and here we are today. What if something was different back at some other point? IDK about this "timelines" stuff, but I do wonder about things like that. What if, if timelines were confirmed, we'd have gone down one without fake money, theater, and nonsense startups to serve a weird agenda.

Today, probably most of us here remember the way Youtube used to be. EmperorLemon has a good video on the "Downwards Spiral of YouTube", and videos on the DWS of many notable figures prominent on that platform, but as now I'm doing these pages offline, I can't go grab a link. But you can find it fast. Basically, Youtube began as a simple platform for sharing popular videos. At the time, IIRC it was the "wardrobe malfunction" video from some award event, with Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson (IIRC). Beyond that, early Youtube was also good to just share original, non-copyrighted videos. Camcorders were steadily rising in popularity at the time. Then copyright bootlegging became popular.

And that's the interesting part, because the YT owners knew that it was the copyright bootlegging that attracted viewers in the first place, and once they were done watching iiillllegal videos of Viacom shows, they might explore other videos. But they didn't want to say that outright, and at some point Viacom really threatened YT real bad, so they clamped down hard on recognizable Viacom properties.