"chow time at mcdonald's" = >> Anonymous 10/10/20(Sat)14:56:39 No.6977627▶ >>6977615 >Be Jocko >Be 1430 >Chow time >Drive to McDonald's >Park truck >Step outside >Salute the restaurant's flag >Order wife to stand by in the bed while manning the turret >Go inside >African Americans blaring music >Their children running rampant around the venue >Wet floor signs everywhere >GOOD >Enter line >Behind a Latino male >See grease in his hair >Assaulted by flashbacks of afghani translator KIA >Training kicks in >Funeral detail >Raise hands in trumpet position >Raspberry Taps >Restaurant ceases to move and begins to stare at me >Latino man turns and ask if I'm okay >Those were my translator's last words >Fight back tears >Seals don't cry >Finish Taps >Stand at attention >Restaurant resumes business >See african american man give the worst goddamned salute I've ever seen >He has disrespected a superior officer >WHO IS YOUR COMMANDER >He stands dumbfounded >I shake my head, he is obviously air force. >WHO IS YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER >Feel a hand on my soldier >Seal training kicks in >Flip him and place him face down in knee-neck pin >It's the manager >He begins saying "I CAN'T LEAD, I CAN'T LEAD" >GOOD >Inform him that I will provide training >Leave >Return in dress blues >LEAD BY EXAMPLE >Take point in register >Customer approaches >Initiate contact >They order >WRONG >They are taken aback >They order again >WRONG >They are noticeably obese >They exclaim that they won't order then >GOOD >DISCIPLINE IS FREEDOM >Continue this process for next six hours >Give the manager a firm handshake and look him dead in the eye >He weeps with gratitude >Order a water >Exit the store >Wife asks for a drink >Tell her she should've opened her mouth while it was raining. >Leave = idk if this is a pasta, i mighta seen it around... it's more believable than grandpa nam thathappends though.