Anonymous Sun 24 May 2020 20:48:51 No.25059115 Report Quoted By: >>25059340 >>25084419 >>25085269 >>25054957 >Ghoul Medal Unused item still left in the ROM. Seems like it activated if Mario got a game-over in the Boo levels. >ET in Pyramid The enemies inside the Pyramid hint that they're aliens. >Big Boo's Haunt forest You can actually go out of bounds in the Ghost House levels. This activates a secret mini-game where you have to run away from Big Boo in a forest maze. The game doesn't have an exit and the music and sound effects get louder and louder. >1995/07/29 build Brits INSIST that Miyamoto personally stole the PS1 game Croc to create Mario 64. Croc was originally a Yoshi game that Argonaut (the guys who made the Super FX Chip for the SNES) showed to Nintendo. This build of the game is the version that Miyamoto stole and still have Yoshi as the main character. >Enchanted SC88 samples All of the music in the game actually comes from the SC88 sound canvas. It's doesn't sound like it because the SM64 cart activates SOMETHING