26 Oct 2014 http://imgur.com/cDeMMS0 "Average" (imgur.com) submitted 4 days ago by stellarguymk ----- NO_FAT_FCUKS_HERE She's the average on dating websites, that's for sure. --- stellarguymk[S] Yeah, no shit. I just joined like two hours ago...90% of the women on there are obeastly uggos. [oh we'll get more into fatties OTI, and their influence.] --- turtwig316 plenty of whales --- oh_no_aliens Tinder? more like Tonder. --- NerdyHippo It goes the other way around as well. You have no idea what kind of messages I get as a female. And the "wannaaaa fuuaakkk?" are the nice ones. [a few people made obvious, OBVIOUS catfish profiles for fun/exploration, really plainly fake. IMMEDIATELY, their inbox was FLOODED with sleazy middle aged dumbasses with iqs of 70, and so many unsolicited microdick pics...] [there's also a really funny image i hope to find again] --- Justgoatythings She's a Caucasian Christian Capricorn of Colossal Circumference. --- scumbag_mcgee Curvy Caucasian Christian Capricorn Cow of Colossal Circumference --- Wahnsinnn The face in the three others photos is literally the same dazed expression. [yeah, they have that "pzombie blank" expression all the time] --- Achtung_Shitlord I don't live in America but is it really true? Are there so many people in their 20s who look like this as an average? I can't base my judgments on reddit but I noticed a lot of the young people who post in the main subs are not huge but this kind of pudgy, stocky fat. At least if I looked like that I'd start to think about watching my eating habits. In Germany, this kind of body shape is much more common among men and women who reach 40 and up. So it's a "granny body" if you will. I think the reason for that here is when you are young, you go skiing, swimming, mountain climbing, surfing, travelling, etc when you are single, you have time to do enjoy your bachelor/bachelorette life and when you get older you stop doing these activities, or feel you can't make time for them anymore and begin to do nothing but sit at Kaffeekränzchen (coffee/tea parties) and other more sedentary activities as a middle-aged "family" person. (Don't get me wrong there are still a lot of middle-aged people who are part of soccer clubs, cycling clubs and swim regularly - this only applies to some.) Is it perhaps there is less motivation for younger people to do all these sport and outdoor-related activities? Also why is that? There are tons upon tons of beautiful places in America where you can do all of these things. [achtung was one of my favorite posters. miss him. hope he's doing good.] --- starrscream117 Yeah, I don't get it either man. I'm an American, and with the amount of desk jobs and fast food places there are readily available, it's easy to let yourself get a little thick. However, situations like this girl? I don't know how you let yourself get like that. --- Achtung_Shitlord Yes, it's said Americans are one of the most hardest-worked developed countries in the world. So you are working a higher amount of hours just to make ends meet. Maybe that "overworked" generation has kids now and they don't have that influence to go out and do stuff because the parents don't/didn't really have or could make the time to show them? [btw, achtung is german. the user. i know some of these people fairly well.] [achtung would make commentated folders of the very "best" of fat tumblr, and would then finish with "eyebleach", and take requests for themes. he'd end with photos of various SFW topics, including machines, niche interests, nature photos, etc.] --- starrscream117 There is a huge issue with parents using television and video games to baby sit their kids. They're either too tired, or just don't feel like parenting, and so the kids never learn otherwise. Also too tired to cook real meals. Lots of TV dinners and ramen noodles for dinner. --- Achtung_Shitlord Hm, I'm sure sociologists and others are scrambling to find all of the factors like we are discussing here to figure out why it's so out of control. Despite all of it, there's still a third of you out there who are doing it right! --- starrscream117 Fuck it, I'm gonna head over to Deutschland with you. Sounds better over there anyway. Time to work on my German. --- LaMone Affordable health insurance, walkable cities, I can recommend it. --- 0ompa You forgot the free college =P --- DickBagSmuggler Get ready for the workplace-simulator games! --- pedanticPessimist This was me growing up, but to be fair it was just me and my dad who was working two jobs to be able to take care of us. He's always been a health and fitness nut so I knew it killed him for me to have to eat ramen, easy mac, lunchmeat/pbj sandwiches all the time. We're living much better now (though I'm away at college) and we bond over sharing healthy meals and workout routines. [something is just wrong with america. even germans say americans are workaholics. i can only wonder exactly, now with all the outsourcing, smuggling in mega tons of illegals and giving them dead people dox, and increased automation.] --- LaMone "granny body" Indeed, I am starting to see more and more of these fat grandmas in Germany. Mine (born in the 1920/30ies) were really thin. [old people are famously the best shitlords, cuz they dgaf about NUFFIN. boomers are shit, boomers are NOT real people. REAL PEOPLE who are ancient, are awesome.] --- Achtung_Shitlord Yes, think of those small boutiques for the Omas. Used to be expensive and small sizes. But if you have a look around, since the past 15 years or so, there's a growing number of women getting huge and are in their late 30s/early 40s. I think the men still get the classic Wampe a little later. --- bassingtonffrench Interesting. Mine were definitely overweight; after living through the Depression, which was pretty damn awful for them, they practiced a "clean your plate" policy, i.e. food doesn't get wasted, eat whatever you serve yourself, all of it, or sit at the table till it's eaten, if the grandkids still don't eat their food, you'll eat it for them. Wasting food was such an awful concept that saying you couldn't eat any more made them draw their faces in what actually looked like pain (but was likely intense frustration). [i knew some people who saw the great depression. they were thin. and liked to run *styrofoam cups* through the dishwasher. they hoarded some of the oddest things.] --- Belching_princess It's the food. There is so much food on America. Dellis filled with lunch buffets and huge portions in restaurants. I was in Germany this summer. I ordered a small milkshake at Mc.Beetus and it was small. In the states a small is a large and a large is a bucket. [americans have been conditioned to prefer quantity over quality] --- holly-wog You're so right. I am an American living in Germany now, and it is pretty different. Just the sheer lack of drive-thru fast food really changed things for me. I have a tendency to take the quick and easy way of things and this has made keeping my weight low an accomplishment for me. But yeah, being in a country where I had to get my munchies for Sunday ahead of time (grocery stores are closed on Sunday) makes it difficult to impulse-buy cheesecake and pizza if I'm feeling down on the weekend. --- SocksForBreakfast I don't live in America but is it really true? Are there so many people in their 20s who look like this as an average? No. She would be considered overweight/obese by just about everyone. She doesn't want to put "overweight" or "a few extra pounds" because it filters out a lot of guys who don't check those boxes when searching for girls. Is it perhaps there is less motivation for younger people to do all these sport and outdoor-related activities? Also why is that? There are tons upon tons of beautiful places in America where you can do all of these things. I don't have a good answer for that. Lack of time from work/school? Low wages and unable to afford "nice things"? Cultural laziness? Who knows. --- ThegreatPee I think that a big part of obesity is in part due to the internet and gaming. I grew up in the 80's and 90's and we were very very active. We were outdoors all of the time. If we weren't playing sports we were mountain biking, skateboarding, or snowboarding. The internet is great, but it has created a lot of lazy people. [i zero in close on comments about specific decades and the cultures and zeitgeists] --- SocksForBreakfast Yeah, that kind of fits in with "cultural laziness". Same goes for TV. With DVR, on-demand, Netflix and such.. people have "their shows" now more than ever. It used to be the case that if something came on TV, either you were around to watch it or you missed it. Now it doesn't matter. People have more shows piled up on their DVRs than they have time to watch. So instead of going out, they veg out on the couch and catch up on everything. --- bassingtonffrench Well, that also means you can do whatever at any time instead of being so afraid of missing something that you're tethered to your TV. ["fear of missing out" FOMO, is a big deal. wonder where it originated.] --- Drfetus177 Speaking as someone who graduated American highschool last year and now in the outside world my generation around here were all very skinny and more twig-like than ham planets. Also at my highschool we all hated the few fat kids that were there because we were a very sports oriented town. Some of my best friends were actually shitlords IRL. [my attitude has really eased up (this isn't my account, but *in the past* i would have harshly agreed). i still harbor a LOT of resentment and bitterness about this UGLY blob and NASTY mindset cancer tumor that uglifies and shittifies the world. fat people are MEAN and have HORRIBLE attitudes. but now i have a different angle to address the problem. hating fat students would probably make them retreat into binging like junkies even more. pressuring them to be better, would work.] --- phaseMonkey I honestly think public acceptance of fatties is swinging the other way... My kids are only in elementary school, but there are NO honey-boo-boo sized ham creatures at all in the whole school, and of the teachers and parents, I think there's only about 5 who are in the "morbidly obese" range, while the parents are basically in the normal to overweight range. The kids, except for a few, are breaking the stereotype of fat lazy kids. So maybe it's just the fatties in the baby boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials that are dying out... or at least causing the rest of their generation to go anti-obesity with their kids and grand kids. [a lot of FPH-ers are post-fats, and you know the saying "converts make the best zealots". knowing what the "before" was like, getting out of it, makes a HUGE difference. in my case just recently, it was experiencing the "no wifi" environment. now i can't TOLERATE wifi, but before i started unplugging it longer and longer, i was used to it. clearing it away and then re-experiencing it, really shocked me. i just can't tolerate it anymore.] [people say the same thing about permanent dietary changes and palate changes] --- optimates No, but nobody is going to call themselves fat when they want to attract people. It is shame. [wasn't 2014 such an *innocent* year? aw. so innocent.] --- putsadickonyourface No this is not average, at least not where I live in the USA. I see more fat people on the beaches of Mallorca every summer than I do in Colorado. Most of those fat people are German/Scandinavian/A few Brits. [i also go for different comment angles] --- bassingtonffrench Honestly, having lived in both Germany and America, it's so much more normal for Germans to walk places - public transport makes you use your feet waaay more than just getting in and out of a car. I also think it breeds more independence. Unless you're in one of the very few places with public transport, you learn that unless your parents drive you someplace you do not go, and soon walking becomes an OMG SO AWFUL thing that people must save you from at any cost. My whole class and I except for two kids (who lived farther away and took the bus) walked to school in elementary/Grundschule. We were all under ten. In America, friends freaked the fuck out when I'd walk a mile home AT SIXTEEN YEARS OLD. They were all super nice and insisted on driving while clearly communicating "walking is the most dangerous/tiring/awful thing ever; I must save you!!" And they mostly weren't fat; it's just a weird ingrained belief. It's also really expensive to go skiing, for example. We don't really have a plethora of Ryanair/hostel options. And everything's farther away, so plane tickets cost hundreds more. If you live in the Midwest, have fun finding anywhere to hike that isn't flat. And you're even luckier if there are bicycle lanes, because then you can cycle without being afraid of dying immediately. The last difference that strikes me the most is the swimming options. In the parts of Germany I knew, there were huuuuuge public pools EVERYWHERE, with inside Olympic pools, diving areas, shallow areas, and sectioned-off heated kiddie pools, then several outside pools as well for the summer months. Possibly also a sauna. Plus lockers, showers, and hairdrying stations. Pay a very reasonable yearly/half-yearly fee and you can swim as much as you like, or pay per visit. My dad used to swim then shower there all the time to save money on hot water at home, and swimming trips were a huge deal and an awesome family thing for us. Here? Maaaaybe there's a public outside pool that doesn't have broken glass underfoot. Usually all you get is small private neighborhood/community pools, which are often expensive to join plus are obviously only open in the summer. Can't do laps because it's filled with kids, teenagers doing cannonballs and it's teensy. So people either build their own teeeeensy pools in their backyards for gobs of money or are lucky enough to have a gym with a good pool. None of the ones in my town do. So...that's a contributing factor. [can second the thing about americans being weird about walking long distances. i HAVE TO!! walk long distances, i have NO CHOICE. the bus only goes so far. i'm used to it, but i'm shocked when people are shocked.] --- Nadaplanet The average waist measurement for American women is 37 inches. So she probably is an "average body type." Gross. --- phaseMonkey Hell, as a guy I've had issues with the same store, and same jeans or shirts not fit from one to the next. But for women, I think it's "vanity" sizing to blame. [probably only found tent shirts marked "m"] --- greatgrandtitties "Caucasian Capricorn" is that really an ethnicity? Just sounds like a stupid answer to me.. Even the Caucasian part. It's like no shit sherlock that's what everyone can already infer on their own. It's so vague. I thought when someone asked about ethnicity you were supposed to reply with something like German, Italian, Korean etc. Not just like Asian, Caucasian, or Hispanic. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it like this: Asian, Caucasian, black: race Chinese, Persian, French etc: ethnicity --- jonoottu i thought ethnicity was like: slavic, romanic, germanic, you know? --- phaseMonkey We need a famine. [oh man can you imagine] --- bassline1 And that stupid face expression in all pics [this comes up a LOT] --- deeeznutzz lol I'm on POF and even the "athletic" body types you have to be careful about === rcv jan 2021