october 2014 ============ 14-year-old me and the angry fat (self.TalesofFatHate) submitted 13 days ago by bleubottle I run. I ran through all of middle school, high school, and am running my way through college. Running especially makes you pity fatbeasts, in my opinion; they'll never know how amazing it feels to fly down an empty road at sunrise, wind in your face and a beautiful pink-orange sky over you. But anyway. Because of my build and the fact that I ran, I was one of the scrawnier looking girls when I was younger, so I always fit into whatever skinny jeans were in style at the time. Once, when I was around 14-15 or so, I was searching through a rack of those adorable floral print skinnies, and I unfortunately noticed a belly-rolls-bearing, hot-pants-wearing woman searching the same racks. I could tell she was slowly getting more and more frustrated (which I remember finding vaguely amusing), and she kept eyeing me angrily too--but she grabbed a few pairs anyway and marched into the dressing room. She came out, waddled over next to where I still was, and threw all three pairs on top of the racks with disregard. We made eye contact. She promptly turned away, and loudly huffed "Ugh! Skinny people!" to noone, and lumbered over to another section. I didn't think much of it at the time (I was preoccupied with the pretty pretty flower pants) but looking back... what the fuck?? Taking out your unjustified anger on a scrawny, quiet teenager is toootally going to solve your fupa. On top of that, as I moved around the department store, I saw her just throw clothes down haphazardly if she didn't want them. Put them back on the hanger! It literally takes 2 seconds more. Way to be a great human being. ----- homecomingprincess Sometimes I go to the Dress Barn at the mall and pretend to look for clothes/shop. I love how rude and angry the obeasts are when they see me searching the racks. Cause at 5'9 and 126 lbs there's some animosity towards me. --- plaid_Lego_lass Yup! I'm 5'11" and 135 lbs and sometimes I will complain about boots that are too loose around my calves at DSW or other shoe stores. I had a worker at Dillard's high five me once for complaining about this. Fatties stretch out expensive boots that they can't fit, subsequently ruining the boot when they try them on and don't have the money to buy in the first place. Poor boots :( --- G-42 It's not going to surprise me one bit when it's eventually discovered that there's a mental/emotional growth stunting that correlates with obesity. They have the self control of 2 year olds, they're drawn to sugar like small children(see the study recently that showed why children are drawn to sugar but adults lose that craving?), they're emtionally fragile and immature. They can't be given responsibility. They don't understand cause and effect, to the extent they'll always argue against it. They're giant children, nothing more. --- G-42 http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2011/09/26/140753048/kids-sugar-cravings-might-be-biological --- FPSFairy There's actually an astonishing (well, not really) number of neurological similarities between obese people and drug addicts. If you're interested, I can dig up a literature review on the subject that was done by one of the biggest names in addiction research that I know of. --- G-42 Seems to me I've read something to that effect before. I remember how in certain people(those who medicate their feels with food) food triggers the same part of the brain and releases the same chemicals as the drug would for an addict. === rcv jan 2021