09 Oct 2014 You're so fat, that you're a fire hazard!! (self.TalesofFatHate) by ZenRage One of my co-workers is about 5'2" and is at least 3 feet in diameter. She is quick to complain about how hard it is to exercise, how hard her diet is, how tired she is, etc. No matter what she sees herself as the poor disabled victim. I usually ignore her, if I dont have to see/hear/smell her, she isnt my problem, but recent events changed that. We had a fire drill in my building where there are two central stairwells. This woman sort of waddles when she walks and walks down stairs so slowly it's like she has a ship anchor chained to her butt. What should have been a 60 second descent took her almost 4 minutes WHILE SHE HELD UP EVERYONE BEHIND HER because she takes up the whole stair width!! If there was a real fire, this woman would be obstructing the exit and putting people in real risk of dying. [i was genuinely expecting the near-identical story, but with an older 400lb guy. apparently these stories are common and only the characters could be switched around.] ----- Pats420 Next time just run her over. Maybe a good trampling will fix the issue --- 117or163 That's exactly what would happen if that were a real emergency. --- [deleted] If there was a real fire, I hope people would have enough sense to shove that bitch and trample over her fat body in order to quickly get outside. [in a blind panic, that absolutely WOULD happen, without a moment of conscious thought.] --- Tozetre This is an excellent opportunity to fatshame her by doing a little parkour wallrunning. --- Indysheep Tell her there's cake waiting for her outside. Should speed up things a bit. --- ZenRage[S] Throw a Twinkie downstairs? --- ewes_urn_aim To be fair, it's a legitimate point. She is a safety hazard in certain situations if she's incredibly slow and people can't pass her. --- Costco1L You should get her a shed outside --- BoldSerRobin Bring up your concerns with management [management is usually horrible, but HR is *always* the WORST.] --- Ellvarah If there was a fire i d defenitely kick a farso down the stairs. Fuck im not going to die because i fattie might get her feelings hurt === rcv jan 2021