/r/HAESSuccessStories Oct 2014 ===================== http://www.barakonews.com/2014/08/10-year-old-girl-dies-of-congestive-heart-failure-refused-admission-by-butuan-doctors-hospital.html 10 year old dies of congestive heart failure (barakonews.com) submitted 2 months ago by chickenStewie ----- VegPicker In the article, it says she was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease when she was 6 months old. I'm not a doctor, so I won't pretend to know if not being fat would've given her a better chance. So sad. --- chickenStewie[S] Wikipedia lists congestive heart failure as a co-morbidity of obesity so most likely, yeah. This is what gets to me. She has a known heart condition and they still allowed her to balloon to such a weight. I'm sure the type 2 diabetes didn't help either. --- UnderTheS I don't see how this isn't child abuse. Feeding them to death isn't the same as starving them, but for both the end result is the same; both are totally preventable, and any sane human knows better. --- Not_today_bro 17 points18 points19 points 2 months ago (4 children) My god. I usually get a good chuckle from these, but this child did not deserve this. I hope I don't get banned for this, but could we possibly omit future child mortalities from this sub? I apologize in advance if I'm out of line. --- Ribs85 Indeed. I've not read the article, as I don't want to read about a parent's neglect and abuse causing the death of an innocent child. A child doesn't have a choice, and adult does. This article in this sub is crossing the line in my opinion. --- heymanitsmematthew Totally agreed. There should be an age limit. This kid didn't choose her diet, her stupid parents did. This isn't about her. --- [deleted] Yeah. fatpeoplehate has an age limit, I think this sub should have one too. There's no schadenfreude when it involves a child. --- chickenStewie[S] No one is celebrating the death of a child. I'm also not blaming the little girl, the circumstances that lead to her death were caused by her parents so they alone should be the target of our ire. I posted this because I view this sub as a repository of obituaries that refute the HAES ideology and not as a sub for laughing at dead fat people.There was also another post about a 10 year old so I thought underage deaths were permitted. I'm kinda angry that the mom think she's blameless. --- ShortWarrior The one commenter, of course, blames the hospital. --- HEY_PM_ME_FOR_A_CHAT Not to take away from the tragedy but holy-shit what an abortion of an article. === /.