r/fatlogic oct 2014 ========== http://m.imgur.com/GYFZMbC 14 y/o Tumblrina's dad wants her to take crystal meth. Hmmmm... (m.imgur.com) submitted 3 days ago by ThatOneGuy4321 ----- petisarc Thin privilege is knowing the difference between crystal light and crystal meth. Edit: many thanks for gold, kind stranger --- DrunkenDropout The light version of crystal meth? --- petisarc All the high of the full meth version, with only half the side effects! --- Monstersdemons Fucking shitlord, trying to half the the sugar with the same satisfying taste! --- SmugBlunderer They say that diet crystal meths are worse, because they actually increase your cravings for the stuff. --- [ppl callin it fake, probably is, probably loooong expired link by now. i'm in strictly offline mode now, so...] --- coffee_and_ponies In the future I suggest the ritalin diet. All the weight loss of meth, but none of those nasty you are going to get arrested side effects. --- calgy she wouldnt regain the weight of her teeth though --- butterfly_beatrice The TITP mods really approved that one? REALLY? They must be desperate for new content. [TITP or "titpee" is "This is Thin Privilege", a lol blog that used to be serious, but then they just started accepting absolute trash that never happened.] --- maybesaydie I'm beginning to think that they can't read. Or that they've trained a few chimps as moderators. --- mai_tais_and_yahtzee They believe each and every thing that the fat folks say happens to them. They disbelieve each and every thing that thin folks say. [even at the time, i thought it was odd they just posted any and all troll input they got] --- BJene Had a girlfriend whose mom would always talk about how she missed doing speed when she was younger because it kept her thin. This was always said with the implication that my girlfriend should start doing speed. --- SockPuppette Mistake. This should have been filed under non-meth-dealer-parent privilege. Clearly it's as hard to control your weight as it is to control who your parents are. Right? Right??? So, why haven't they started a Tumblr about that? [man, talk about first world problems] --- Reddon666 Oh, I know this one! Her dad told her she should take diet pills. Drowning in offence, she googled them, found something about amphetamines, and decided they were actually made with crystal meth. Now, the thing about SJWs is that they use incredibly emotive language in order to try and draw people towards their movement. Appeal to emotion. Hardcore vegans do the same thing ("eating dead animals", etc). So this SJW decided to whip out the ol' emotive language and begin screaming about how her dad told her to take crystal meth. Unfortunately, for most people, once appeals to emotion get that extreme, they backfire horribly. The SJW movement will realize this in about ten years. --- theivesinthenight Tbf, meat is just dead animals. --- Reddon666 It is, but if someone is referring to your barbecue as a carcass cooking party, they likely have an agenda. [without internet, and the link's probably dead anyhow, this raises more questions] --- BronsonAlcott "How attached are you to your teeth?" - Dr. Leo Spaceman on the pros and cons of the crystal meth diet --- pwy People sometimes equate all stimulant weight-loss drugs with meth. I'm guessing maybe he suggested seeing a doctor about weight loss and this is the OP's histrionic reaction. If it happened at all, of course. --- kyril99 As absurd as it sounds, this is actually one that I believe has happened to someone somewhere. There are psycho abusive parents who bully their (usually perfectly-normal-weight) daughters about their weight and put them on all sorts of unsafe diets, exercise routines, and supplements. I'm sure some of them have used stimulant drugs as part of the abuse. Is it likely that it happened to this particular person? No. But I'm hesitant to say it's impossible. I would say that if true, this is not something that will be resolved by "venting" on blogs. She's reporting seriously dangerous abuse, and anyone who knows who or where she is should immediately contact CPS. [i only began to wake up after 2015, so now this comment is of special interest to me today] --- Laziestredditor Actually, I'm here in Korea, and when you go to a doctor to lose weight they will prescribe you something that is essentially meth. If she's in a non US country this might not be so far fetched. Probably bullshit though. --- bubble_of_no_trubble Apparently I need to gain 50 lb and move to Korea. --- ima#lover points 2 days ago (1 child) I know that this story probably never happened; but it's not nearly as crazy as some of you are making it out to be. sourced from the methamphetamine wikipedia article: "In the United States, methamphetamine hydrochloride, under the trade name Desoxyn, has been approved by the FDA for treating ADHD and exogenous obesity (obesity originating from factors outside of the patient's control) in both adults and children;[13] however, the FDA also indicates that the limited therapeutic usefulness of methamphetamine should be weighed against the inherent risks associated with its use." --- pwy FDA also indicates that the limited therapeutic usefulness of methamphetamine should be weighed against the inherent risks associated with its use. That's like the understateme --- findingpeaceagain I work for a protective service agency and things like this actually happen. I've been involved with families where parents have made their children use meth with them because the parents did not want to get high alone. I'm not saying it happens often, but it does happen, and more than you would think. This is not out of the realm of possibility, and if that's the case for this child, I feel seriously bad for her. It sounds like her Dad might have been making a joke, but you never know. --- jsquareddddd Of everything there is to hate about Tumblr and their bullshit, trigger warnings have to the the worst. No one is going to go into hysterics reading your stupid shit, it's just a TL;DR basically. --- BeyonceIsBetter I don't doubt the person, because my dad and I make fucked up jokes all the time about things similar. I honestly bet it's some whiny girl taking things wayyyy too personally and not understanding the concept of a joke. --- Neorago fat privilege is not being told you already look like a drug addict. yep, ive had that. --- aqualube Fat people do look like drug addicts. Their drug of choice? Food. [srsly, fat people commonly look like JUNKIES, and many, MANY are opiate addicts] --- daredaki-sama you'd be surprised... media is full of fatass meth heads. [also true] --- lilyinbloom Sometimes really sheltered bratty teens take their parents' hyperbolic, angry declarations really literally. So maybe this is a case of an at-the-end-of-his-rope dad saying to his obese daughter, "God! At this point I'd be happier if you were a drug addict! At least you'd be able to climb up and down the stairs without getting winded!" I had a not actually depressed or mentally ill drama queen friend in high school who would scream that she was going to kill herself every fricking day in high school. Like, "buy me an iPod or I'm going to kill myself!" Her mother once screamed in frustration, "do it already!" My friend would always tearfully regale us with the story of how her mother told her to kill herself. [i'm so glad i went archive-diving!!] --- Faptiludrop Gonna play devils advocate here for a minute... Have you guys ever seen idiocracy? You know that part at the beginning with the super redneck family getting everyone pregnant? That kind of shit actually happens in the south. Some dumb shit redneck father probably did say this to their daughter, but I find it hard to believe that this would be the type of person to go complain to tumblr. --- zydratesparks I know this is hard to believe, but most people from the South are actually good, decent people. Born and raised in Mississippi, I haven't met a single redneck father who would encourage his daughter to use. Most Southern parents are actually worth a damn and fathers are ridiculously protective of their daughters. And unplanned pregnancy (out of wedlock or teenage) is still heavily frowned upon here. Yes, it happens rampantly, but that's due to a lack of sex ed and sexual health resources. This is a garbage stereotype. Try harder. --- Faptiludrop And I was born and raised in Texas. I've been throughout this state, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. I've seen the best and the worst of it all. I'm not saying that ALL people here are like that, I'm just saying that it does exist, and if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I might not have believed it. --- zydratesparks Hence my use of "most people" and "most Southern parents." I live in South Carolina now and I spend a great portion of my time in North Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee. I've had my fair share of Southerners, considering 95% of my life has been spent here. The stereotypes often ring true, but we're gonna have to move past that prejudice if we make any progress here. (The same applies to obesity. Most Southerners just aren't educated when it comes to food and eating healthily in poverty. Luckily, I had a mom who could stretch $5 and make multiple meals with dried peas, beans, and Tabasco for flavor. We never went hungry and we all ate vegetables. Many Southerners--Americans, really--don't know how to do that. We gotta move past the negative stereotypes and work to change a few things.) === rcvrd jan 2021