28 Oct 2014 http://i.imgur.com/yxBIKMG.png A whale bigot got epic reaction for tries to boycott Oreo over 'Rainbow Pride' cookies. (i.imgur.com) submitted 20 hours ago by Herodriver ----- gonjow I grew up in the deep south, and lardfuck bigot christians are the norm here. Homosexuality is a threat to their family for some reason, and also a sin "because it says it in the bible". Meanwhile, they are usually waddling around walmart shopping for some sexy XXXXL sized tank tops to show off their body by the pool (teehee) with a couple of bastard fats in training children waddling behind with no father in sight. The bible was serious about homosexuality being a sin I guess, but was just kidding about gluttony or pre-marital sex being sins too. [yeah, something is extremely, EXTREMELY *not right* about southerners. a whoooole list of things. like what, is that area *cursed* or something? sure looks like it.] --- ladycolumbia Ugh, I hate how bigots pick-and-choose what is a sin and what isn't. I got into an argument with someone just the other day who said that she would never support same-sex marriage because homosexuality is a sin. When I told her that her being an unmarried woman with children in also considered sinful in the Bible, she got angry, called me sexist, and told me that "those aren't real sins anyway". Then I asked her what ever happened to "love thy neighbour" and "judge not lest ye be judged" she said that "obviously doesn't apply to homosexuals. Any true Christian knows that". Fucking bigots, man. --- [btw, *all martins are gay* by default (seriously, no joke), and the fatter they are, the *gayer* they are. fatter means more estrogen, so they take more T cuz dickgirls, and then their blob bodies try to counter by fighting the T with more estro, and it's just a mess. fat martins are the gayest martins.] --- Lifeguardinator I always believe theres two kinds of people that go to church the ones that have god in their hearts and the ones that have god in their minds most people have god in their minds so they go to church talk about god shove religion down your throat aka be huge assholes about it the second is people with god in their hearts they know to just be fucking good to one another and try not to sin as best YOU can (does not just apply to religious people) thats how god wants you to act in my opinion god prefers a kind atheist to a hateful christian anyday --- miaiam My sister who is born again told me Jesus said to pray in a closet and that meant your relationship with god was meant to be private and you didn't need to be going to church for that. You know where I've felt the closest thing to god? By myself, way out in the mountains. [for real, Jesus climbed up a mountain to better talk to God. proximity is a helper.] --- TerrorEyzs This is so on-point. The Bible even says that God would rather you be against him than be lukewarm. Also, the point of Christianity is to show people the way and be loving and kind so that they want to be like you and find out what makes you such a good person what you have that they don't have. Why the hell would anyone want to convert to the "right way" if they are hateful, judgemental, condemning, ostracizing, and all around horrible people!? Really does a number on the message and purpose. Source: I grew up extremely Christian. [FPH was a very diverse set of boards. there were all kinds of people posting.] --- Nadaplanet See, the thing about the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin is technically true. However, the way the Bible is generally followed (at least how I was taught) is that the Old Testament is how things were before Jesus came, and is kept in the Bible to show all that Jesus saves us from doing. Because of Jesus, we don't have to sacrifice animals to atone for our sins, and we don't need to follow a strict set of rules to get God to forgive us. The New Testament is what you're actually supposed to apply to your life. The New Testament and Jesus say absolutely nothing about homosexuality. However, Jesus does talk a lot about loving your fellow man and not being a hateful shithead. If we still went by all the rules in the Old Testament, women need to go off alone into the wilderness every time they get their period, it would be a sin to wear clothes made of two different materials, any man who trimmed his beard is a sinner, etc. The thing with most of the "homosexuality is a sin" crowd is that they want to apply religion to others peoples lives but not their own. [all gay people are female, no exceptions. they are either women who got too much androgel from doorknobs, lightswitches, public computers, walls, etc. and then there are dickgirls. if dickgirls didn't exist, homosexuality wouldn't exist. T makes females attracted to real femininity, and martins are dickgirls who take crazy amounts of T, more than a real man would produce, and the effects are just... all over the place, but they get *insanely horny* (women who touch androgel go through a few changes, and become horny towards other women), annnd yeah.] --- PrancingPeach This is what I was always taught growing up. Except people still said that homosexuality is a sin because it's in the Old Testament. The contradictions were just infuriating. If I showed someone this list: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Actions_punishable_by_death_in_the_Old_Testament They'd have no problem denying all of it because it's in the Old Testament. But they'd still cling to one or two things that they did agree with, like homosexuality. [looks like southerners are overcompensating. you know what they say about those that protest too much.] --- Skyote Good interpretation. Seems like a lot of modern Christians are leaning toward the "Jesus said don't be an asshole" philosophy. The bible was a guidebook at one point (don't be gay so more children are born, don't eat shrimp because food-borne illnesses, etc.) but now the only bit of advice that isn't outdated is "be nice." Pretty sure religious hams disappear into their religion to feel powerful and exact control on others because they lack control of themselves. --- dactyif Its less interpretation and more that they're right. That is why he's called the sacrificial lamb. Jesus was sent to atone for the sins of humanity, instead of rules, the way into heaven is through him and him alone. [normally i'd trim out the numbers bs, but the pro-Christ comments are getting way negged, even back then.] [speaking of downvotes, fatties would regularly go on angry dv-raids, and just spend HOURS downvoting, going through comment histories, and DV'ing. sometimes bots were used, but sometimes it seemed to be manual. voat had a shitload of bots. voat comes later.] --- dactyif "How do I tell my gf her hoo haa is smelly" lol, its called a vagina, its not a bad word, you're 28 and a big boy now, you're totally allowed to call it that. My suggestion would be to clean out your waifu's fleshlight after use, that always helps. ["hoo haa", yeah they don't have puberty. they remain children.] [also addictions cause mental development to halt at the age the addiction is formed. sugar addictions happen in childhood...] --- DrDiarrhea See, the christians cherry pick the bible to sustain their hate. Homosexuality? Bible abomination! Evolution? Contradicts genesis!! Wearing blended fabrics and growing mixed crops? Meh..old testament, doesn't apply! Matthew says the old testament still applies, no matter what, so christians can't get away with saying the OT rules don't apply. But the OT also says blended fabrics and mixed crops are as much an abomination as homosexuality..yet you don't see them boycotting Fruit of the Loom or protesting outside a farm...or, for that matter, owning slaves and forcing their daughters to marry their rapists. Nope. Just gay hate. --- TerrorEyzs Jesus was the compensation for our sins. The Bible states to take the log out of your own eye before taking the spec out of your neighbors eye. It means you aren't supposed to judge. You're supposed to work on your own sins because none of us are guilt free. That was Jesus' whole purpose for dying....for our sins. Hate against anyone for any sins was never supposed to be the message. Oh yeah, and it says that all sins are equal so nothing is a "worse" sin. Lying is the same as theft. Adultery is the same as homosexuality. Hate is the same as murder. "Thou shalt not murder" is one of the Ten Commandments. The Bible mentions hate to be a murder in your heart. Checkmate, hateful Christian shitheads! [it's pretty sad when atheists are more sensible than nivtians.] --- TerrorEyzs I've had to use it before on a coworker who is the most closed minded asshole who sits there and says he is open minded (hate those). It shut him up....that time, but later he was right back to spewing hate. This same guy flat out said a child is in better hands with a neglectful, meth-addicted single parent than with a loving, happy family governed by a same sex couple. I almost threw up on him. ["loving SS couples" uh... there was a whole... "thing" about two "poor, oppressed, loving gay guys" from Australia that went through some boohoo emotional thing about adopting children. a few months later, they were busted for being sloppy with their preschool prostitution ring.] --- TerrorEyzs You also forgot no more bottom feeders or pork. Say goodbye to shrimp, lobster, bacon.... Oh and if someone commits adultery, stone them. So many things would be a sin if we kept with the ways of the old testament. --- TotallyNotMichele Jesus also said he came to fulfill prophecies and follow the Old Testament laws: Matthew 5:17. And Matthew 19:4-6 doesn't lead me to believe he was okay with gay marriage. While he doesn't specifically state anything against it, he reaffirms marriage is between a man and a woman in that passage. I know we're here for the hams, but I just wanted to throw my 2 cents out there. [and today, all women marry martins, and it's sick. everyone has two mommies.] --- mojomagic66 eh I don't want to argue but there are a few verses in the new testament refering to homosexuality. An example being Romans 1:26-27 "For this reason [idolatry] God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error." I just didn't want you spreading false facts cause I hear this a lot... but yeah live and let live man there are more important things going on anyways. edit: There are a few others in Corinthians, 1 Timothy, and Jude as well I just didn't feel like qouting 5 long verses. (although Jude is debateable but is commonly believed to be referencing homosexuality) [i'll bet those other males had sloppy roastbeefs and silicon implants] --- merry-weather Same. I grew up in rural Georgia/South Carolina. They would still accept Confederate currency as legal tender if they could. --- ohhhhyeaaaa I'm just wondering how those people are even on her facebook friends list. Like... were they just waiting that long to finally talk shit to her, or were they always doing it... or are her posts public and friends of friends can see it? --- Shugbug1986 Most likely, this came from around the time Oreo came out in support of homosexual marriage. Lots of retarded were angry with them and was gonna "boycott". [i remember the kellogs and general mills kid sugar rainbow cereals promoting the homos. they also bragged about "reduced sugar" versions, but with *aspartame* instead of the absence of sweeteners.] --- Nadaplanet Or let them read Daniel 1:12-16: "12 "Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see." 14 So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. 15 At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. 16 So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead." There's really no way to misinterperate that. The people who went on a diet of vegetables and water were healther than the people who ate rich, indulgent food and wine. What a shocker. [too bad all Bible verses posted aren't KJV. poster confirmed it's NIV.] --- leelem0n Looks like some quieter ones are downvoting you, bruh. If you're not that "stereotypically fat, loud and obnoxious christian soldier" then you have no reason to downvote TerreneSpoon. I'd be happy to give someone some good rebuttals for the stereotypically fat, loud, obnoxious, fedora-wearing atheist even though I'm atheist because it's always good to stick it to some loudmouth fatty. [again, LeeLem0n is *off* in some way. more later.] ["her" comments here seem fine, but the mystery becomes apparent later...] --- leelem0n I've heard it "creatively interpreted", actually. I've been told they weren't healthier because of the vegetables, but it's because they didn't eat any of the king's food that was sacrificed to false gods. --- easygenius If one fool can make you ashamed to be a Texan then you were never a Texan in the first place. --- faloofay I live in the armpit of Texas. Christian bigots are EVERYWHERE and most are either really pretty but really bitchy or really really fat. This woman is obviously the latter. Someone get me out of this state. --- kjxtreme91 I remember when the rainbow Oreos came out. All I thought to myself was, "If it has six creamy layers, they should instead call it the Ultimate Fatass Cookie." --- ABadManComes How is she friends with so many people that hate her. Is this one of those novelty FB accounts? --- intellectualRubbish It's comments below a news article --- LordOfFudge I guess it's a plot to try get the shitlord faggots like me to eat the nasty foods that will ruin our figures. Still will not buy. [sooo, theory that the fatties are trying reverse-psych? they're vicious, sabotaging, backstabbing bucket crabs. never, ever trust a fatty. they're nasty and horrible.] --- JoltyJob Didn't this happen in 2012? --- help3dspls Haha I didn't read /fully understand the title, was like wtf why is everyone being so mean to her because she quite eating oreoes? Makes sense now --- BaiduAmbassador fake as fuck they're all communicating in the same jilted, slightly broken english [i can't check, but is this poster saying those are bot accounts?] [then again, fatties act like bots.] --- whiteguy88_20 To be fair, homosexuals are more disgusting than fat people. [-53 points lmao! ohhh the standard Christians got -5 back then, and -15 or -20 these days!] --- whiteguy88_20 The only retarded people around here are the ones supporting abnormal behaviors due to political correctness. Obese people and homosexuals are both disgusting and non-representative of normal human development. --- shmuklidooha Banned for homophobia. This sub is about fat people hate. If you want to hate something else, go to an appropriate sub. [banned the obvious bait account] --- b34nz You banned him because he didn't fall inline with pro-faggot propaganda? What a fucking shit sub this is. [FPH was hardass about on-topicness.] === rcv jan 2021