27 Oct 2014 Anyone else sick of fatties excuses of "poverty" and "being a single parent"? (self.fatpeoplehate) submitted 3 days ago by Valjeanis24601 Some background on me. My mom was a single mom since I was 8. My dad was 110% out of the picture as in my mom was lucky to collect the $350/month he owed her for myself and my younger sister. Add another child in two years later whose dad also hated taking care of his kid so he rarely paid his child support as well. That left my mom making around 12k a year and raising 3 girls by herself working multiple jobs WHILE staying less than 100 lbs (She is 5" tall). She always fed my siblings and I good, healthy meals. It is not hard at all to have a crock pot going or shove some chicken in the oven. Due to the situation, I also learned how to cook when I was 8 and by the time I was ten, was making about half the food for the house. It's so easy to make a healthy meal that a ten year old can do it! Also, we couldn't AFFORD shit food (for reference this was not all that long ago as I have only recently turned 20). Fast food? We ate out maybe two or three times a year when we saw our grandparents. Junk food/convenience food of any kind in the house? It was basically Christmas. Soda? It was either a birthday or Christmas. Even when we did get it, it was a small amount because that shit is expensive and small one bag of fun-sized candy cost about the same as a meal and I only recently learned my mom would go without food if she ever got us treats or times were hard so we could enjoy our childhood. I got so much shit from other kids because "You never have good food in your house!". This is why I fucking hate fat people using, "I'm poor", "I'm a single parent" or both as fucking excuses because that is all they are. To hell with me "Not understanding their pain and suffering" - they couldn't live a day in my mom's shoes. ----- Jellyfishpuff Lentils are cheap, dried beans are cheap, carrots, beets, potatoes, bell peppers, radishes, and collard greens, cauliflower etc. are all pretty damn cheap. A bunch of bananas is cheap. Apples in the fall are pretty cheap. Rice is of course inexpensive, as are bulgar & buckwheat (a bag lasts forever). Canned fish is fairly cheap, and can be spread out into 3 sandwiches. Most condiments (mustard etc.) are very inexpensive. Squashes and pumpkins are cheap after Halloween. Frozen produce is cheap and often just as good as fresh. The point is, there is LOTS you can get for a reasonable amount of money if you're just creative. I think fat people only really stick to maybe 10 base products (cool whip, soda, peanut butter, etc.) and have no idea how to use spices or seasonings. Sure, making homemade hamburgers might be a little bit more expensive than buying a big mac-but what a difference in flavour! --- Valjeanis24601[S] Exactly! Eating healthily is so cheap. People unfortunately also want the convenience that junk food gives them as well. I don't know if a hamburger is more expensive than a Big Mac, but my mom only bought meat on sale and then got enough to last us until the next sale if she could afford to so that she saved money. I will agree that they taste so much better than anything you could get a cheap fast food joint, though. (Also, are you from the South? Collard greens are pretty popular here. Too bad everything is also fried, yuck.) Also, there are tons of stores that sell discounted/super cheap food now that didn't exist/wasn't widespread until just a few years ago so I really don't see how anyone could afford to not eat healthily. You only get one body and one life so why not make the best of it? [FPH also had great lifestyle discussions, and it's maddening that FPH has apparently been purged other than from /fit/, and people STILL think that eating right is "expensive". no, it's dirt cheap, do the math.] --- clockworkgirl21 People unfortunately also want the convenience that junk food gives them as well. I often have to eat what I can buy at the Dollar Store for dinner. The Dollar Store is a few miles down the road, the closest grocery store is 20 miles away. Living in the country sucks. [okay now, THIS is a valid complaint, and reminds me of a forgotten thing... "Good Neighbor" project/program, whatever it was. A lady/woman, who I could NEVER find again, and I LOOKED - a middle aged black american from a major city, was sick of the lack of produce for inner city residents (usually black, other ethnic groups too), and according to the *very local news* piece done for her project, it was framed like she made progress. There was a produce display put into a gas station, with a printed banner about the good neighbor thing. however, this seems to have been memory holed. the project probably failed, sadly.] --- HerbalGerbal I have a friend from highschool, whose every post on facebook is baout how hard it is being a single parent, how much money she needs ect. She weighs at least 350lbs and has never worked in her life, her parents have her kids most of the day and after school, all the government money she gets goes on fattening herself up. Your mother worked her ass off and you sound like you've grown up to be a wonderful person. Shame people like my fatty fb friend get grouped together with hard working single parents like your mother. --- Valjeanis24601[S] I know quite a few people like that sadly. I come from a very small, poor town where being chubby is average and no one blinks an eye if you're over 300 but everyone loses their mind if you can fit into a size zero. I don't know if I am a wonderful person, but I am trying my best to help her out and not make the same mistakes. The thing that gets me is, I tried so hard to hard to help multiple people I knew lose the weight since I lost some chub I had in the 9th grade, but I always got the "I'm poor" "Healthy food is expensive" "Walking is hard" "Working out will make you bigger" and "Muh genetics" excuses and more. This is of course said as they are shoving chips/cookies down their throat and washing it down with their second 20 oz Coke of the day. I agree that it is a shame, but it is the way of the world and why the "Average American woman" wears a size 14 and weighs 160 pounds. :/ --- [some commenters taking delight in the self-destruction of their bitch enemies... i personally would rather those enemies just got into a quickly-ending situation, not the one that normalizes the degradation of society. there are more dignified ways to end. fat endings have got to be among the worst, because it normalizes obesity.] --- oppressedshitlord You know what's something funny that I noticed? HAES hams and fat activists that use that excuse. "OMG, EATING HEALTHY IS JUST SOOOOOOOO EXPENSIVE." We're talking white, middle-upper class, obese men and women, who are able to spend the majority of their day blogging in front of a laptop. These are the same people that complain about the size of airplane seats and clothing. And they have the fucking gall to say "WELL, I CAN'T AFFORD TO EAT HEALTHY." [2014 was also when insane neon glitter clown fashions, blue hair, rainbow tats, and pincushion faces also started to really take off. not just fatties, but NEON pincushion fatties.] --- Valjeanis24601[S] B..b...but I need mah plane tickets to live and mah blog is my life, don't oppress me, you shitlord! I deserve those clothes, too, since I'm so oppressed! Seriously, though, what sort of mental gymnastics do they have to do to say, "I'm too poor to buy good food for myself, but these multiple fast food meals and clothes for my ever-expanding body are totally cheap!"? --- miaiam Yes I've been dirt poor and lived in an actual food desert and my roommate and I once a week took a bus to the store. We managed to eat relatively healthy and cheap. Yeah it sucked but we did it. They're nothing but overgrown children. They want instant gratification. They can drive thru McDonalds every night because they have no time to shop and cook and prep some meals. Boo fucking hoo. Last I checked that's called being an adult. Spend a few minutes planning your meals, make a list and go to the store like a goddamn adult. I don't have kids (something fatties throw in my face) but we have a busy life just like everyone. Sometimes on weekends my bf will make an elaborate meal (like today we got a whole chicken he roasted. .five bucks. Yum) but during the week we usually throw some steaks on the grill , have some asparagus and a salad. Boom. Dinner. Done in 20 minutes. They love to make the simplest tasks seem impossible. Also: re children and animals. Last I checked birth control is cheap and accessible. Its quite easy to not have a child if you don't want one. Like an animal, you CHOOSE to bring that into your world and you need to be responsible for it. Don't have a kid and then cry you cant take care of it. No. --- _gunt_bacteria_ I hate that excuse too! I was a single mom at 20 due to poor choices. I managed to buck up, put myself through college while working nights, and still managed to feed my daughters and myself healthily. Now I'm in my 30s, better off but still in relative poverty. We can't AFFORD to eat ourselves into obesity. What exactly are these "poor" obeasts eating?! I can't figure it out. also, all those fat single moms in the welfare office back in the day used to tell me I'd "fill out" when I got "older". Well, bitches, I'm older now and still not fat. Where's this mysterious fat from nowhere I was supposed to accumulate? stupid fat cunts --- _gunt_bacteria_ Yeah, I never saw myself with kids and even now am not really the "mommy" type. I do not have friends with kids because I have NOTHING in common with those people. With my brats, I tend to try to balance my "cool mom" factor (which is inevitable because I'm cool as fuck) with being a totalitarian dictator of my home. My kids are hitting their teen years now and have verbally thanked me for showing them how to take care of themselves, as we live in a low-income area of a midwestern town so all these other kids at school are dumb and fat and my girls are thin and gorgeous with great grades and inquisitive minds. They have a lot of advantages and are just starting to realize it for real. Reading books, exercising, and eating healthy, Shitlords. That's what it's all about. [the more files i go through, the more i really miss these boards. they all got shut down because of the shills. long story. i'll make a page. but fat hate got banned, because of empty internet.] --- Valjeanis24601[S] There really is - I didn't realize it when I was younger, but meeting 18 year olds who had no idea what scrambled eggs were or how to even make themselves toast, much less clean or even sew holes in their socks has been a real eye opener. Also, I never really thought of it before, but fat people aren't really imaginative people now that I think of it. Well, unless they are thinking of new ways that they are oppressed. Most just parrot others it seems. :/ Thanks for helping me figure that out. [obesity causes brain damage. it was called the "homer simpson effect". i also hate pop culture shit more every day, like naming some nerve thing "pikachu", or very very bizarrely, a "sonic hedgehog gene" that the ABSENCE of, is LINKED TO autism, or so that's what baffo labcoat medical rags said. you'd think the PRESENCE of sonic hedgehog causes autism. SCIENTISTS ARE LIENTISTS.] --- medved-pls Same in Europe, heating healthy is actually cheaper than processed food, veggies and fruit at the local market are cheaper than in the supermarket, and even in the supermarket I buy from, there are discount prices on the veggies that don't fit the "standard" and some people won't buy them. I don't mind, an apple's an apple, still tastes the same, standard or not, and I can have more of them for the same price. Each fatty I see at the supermarket has a kart full of shit: processed food, candies, chocolate bars, a lot of chocolate bars, and a lot of sodas, there's no way they can have a balanced diet with that, no wonder they stay or get fat. And most of the time they park their car as near as possible of the building, they won't walk for 200 metres, which is a pretty good thing for me, there are always places available far away from the building and I love walking. --- jenna_r I grew up in a family of 6, dirt poor, with a mother who made sure we ate healthy meals. And shit food is more expensive than nutritious food. I am so with you on this! --- myeyeballhurts Its all a part of their victim complex, just excuses after excuses. I was a single mom for a few years with 2 boys (1 being a teenager),we didnt always eat the best when it was a few days until I got paid again but many times I as the mom would not eat (or just not eat as much) so my kids could eat. It comes down to pure and simple lazy, it is much easier to make a frozen pizza than it is to cook. [homemade pizzas are easy, just punch holes in them] --- BelleDameDeMerde I have to feed my fiancé and I. He enjoys body building and needs lots of lean proteins and healthy carbs. I also live in Canada where fresh produce is more expensive. While I hunt most of our meat, if I do have to buy it, I can do it for less than my obese cousin spends on food for herself. She constantly complains that her food bills are 200-300 bucks a month. While I sit here, and feed us healthy meals for two (and a half, honey eats a lot) for 100-150. Junk food is pricey as hell. --- alc0 Damn, I give my ex $1200 a month and I still have the baby 90% of the time... --- Valjeanis24601[S] I thought if you had the child that much, you didn't have to pay child support and were entitled to it from the other parent regardless of their gender. Unless you are like making bank and they are living off of your payments and little else because the child needs to have equal standards of living or something like that. :/ --- alc0 The courts are not involved in my situation. Think of it more as blackmail. [their lives can be pretty interesting] --- notrevealing Throwaway just to answer this. Been there. Done that. Jellyfishpuff is spot on, as is OP. Sometimes I think the federal WIC program was the best thing that ever happened to us. They limit food purchased to nutritionally approved products. To this day, it taught me a LOT about ingredients. The food stamp program (we were on that for about 9-10 months in addition to WIC), not at all. Things you think at the time are horrendous, in retrospect teach you valuable life lessons. I now look on my time in "poverty" as a blessing. ... and we STILL limit Junk food/fast food food to either a birthday or Christmas. Our kids and now our grandkids have been taught to cook and eat healthy food from the time they were toddlers. Many people argue that food stamp recipients should have free reign to buy what they want... and I see the point(s) of that. But, after having experienced the difference in the WIC allowed foods and those allowed on the food stamp program, I think eligible foods should absolutely be limited to nutritionally dense foods AND that food stamp recipients be required to attend nutrition and cooking classes in order to receive food stamp benefits. --- IDefyAxioms Obviously it's not comparable to the rest of the US, but in Alaska healthy eating actually is fairly expensive. It's fucking ridiculous. About the cheapest healthy thing we have is canned tuna. [a canadian said the same thing. wonder how it is in russia.] --- shitlordling That makes sense, shipping fresh fruit, etc. up there in a timely manner would be costly [AK hothouses grow marijuana. that's all well and good, but more produce needs to be grown in addition.] --- ajg55 Being fat from poverty, absolutely. I came from the poorest district of a city in a country without welfare. There was fast food joints all over the place and the staple diet back there is very high in carbs but no one was even close to obese. No one can ever say they are too poor to eat healthy if they are getting money for doing nothing [people from those areas are very open about working out a lot] === rcv jan 2021