05 Oct 2014 Anyone else notice (self.TalesofFatHate) submitted 21 days ago by somanybigbutts that obese people always seem to shit on the toilet seat? My roommate is a minimoon, and this is something I'm starting to deal with on a pretty regular basis. Her ass is huge, so I'm not surprised (seriously, that things like a shelf it comes out so far) but it's fucking disgusting and getting on my nerves. I had to deal with the same thing at my folks 'cause my dad's also turning into an obeast and I just don't get it. You have to turn around and flush right? How do you not notice that you left a fucking skidmark on the toilet seat? I want to say something, but that would be a pretty damn awkward conversation and I'm way too beta IRL. /rant. [this one time at a fancy restaurant, there was a SHIT EXPLOSION in one of the stalls. was there for hours.] --- musclebabs_buffpants Next time you see her go into the bathroom and you're sure she's taken a dump, pretend to need to go and remark loudly how gross that is. It's passive aggressive and hopefully that will give her the hint. If not, you're going to have to nut up or keep cleaning her shit. I hope it works out for you. --- ewes_urn_aim Just be blatant and say "next time you take a shit, have the courtesy to clean up after yourself!" I wouldn't clean up somebody else's shit through fear of offending them! --- LornAltElthMer Or wait until there are guests over. --- 4rpta Start chewing gum, check at the bathroom occasionally, when there's shit smeared there, write on a little piece of paper "DINOSAUR SHIT FOSSIL", tape it to a toothpick, and use the gum to plant a flag. --- leahdawg Leave little passive aggressive notes on the toilet. Lol. That's what I plan to do next because confronting my brother isn't working anymore. He's 18 and I have to clean pee off the toilet seat every single time. Yuck. He's not fat though. Just gross. --- throw-away-for-days I wouldn't touch that toilet with a nine foot pole. Stop cleaning it and go to a gas station or clothes store to use the restroom until she cleans it herself. --- DRM_ghost Gas station? Id take a hammy turd over a gas station bathroom any day --- Nadaplanet The fatty fat ham I work with shits on the seat, pisses on the seat, and never flushes the damn toilet. I know it's her, because we work overnights and are the only people in the building. We're also the only two women on the shift most nights, so when I go into the bathroom and one of the toilets is overflowing, with a piss covered seat, there's only one culprit. I don't know how she can be content being that horribly gross. [fat restroom stories are the most trainwrecky. that or the bariatric medical stories. oh there's some *classics*, like Swamps of Dagobah, and deer-piss poster.] --- Indysheep It wouldn't surprise me if she's well aware that you're not happy with this shitty (hur hur, see what I did there) situation, but being fat, and no doubt lazy, to clean up her mess would require effort which she simply does not have. Anything that takes effort is a big no-no for fatties. --- OuttaSightVegemite You should rest stuff on her butt-shelf when she's not looking...Glasses of water, books, pets...The opportunities for amusement are endless!! [there's a story about a child with a 400lb aunt (or more), and he poked her fat ass with a sharp pencil, and she didn't react. he kept poking, no reaction. her nerves were so wrecked, she literally could not feel it.] --- fatfreeforyourtime I suppose these people must have lost a lot of their sense of shame to get to where they are. === rcv jan 2021