tasty humane burger hokey cokey, pig in a pokey! kiwifarms.net Oct 14, 2019 #835 Ginger Piglet said: Which country's this in exactly? One thing I have noticed is that mainland Chinese tourists in bongland really, really, like Bicester Village because they can buy tasteless designer shit at low prices. Last time I was there they had bouncers on some of the shop doors and velvet ropes to make it look more high end and exclusive. Posted in the retail thread but the experiences I had with Chinese tourists in retail was disgusting. Their tour bus would come in just before close on a Sunday - the day when we had to ensure the shop floor was spotless because otherwise our manager would take a tantrum. My university is full of Chinese people who if from anywhere but China would not even be considered to study here. The neglect they have for the campus is shocking. Worst of all, whilst British and European students get in trouble by staff for doing the smallest thing wrong, the Chinese can do literally anything with no consequences because of the big bucks they pay to come here. I went to a 'quiet area' to study on campus last week as I don't like using the limited library space unless I'm really busy. Funnily enough, library space wouldnt be a problem if Chinese students didnt use it as a second bedroom. The study area was mostly full of individual students with their headphones in reading and eating lunch. There was a few groups of two or three quietly talking as well. It was ideal as the campus is full of social areas where you can barely hear yourself think shown these spaces are special. Staff would come time to time to move on loud students using it to socialise. When the canteen next door started serving lunch and the area filled with massive groups of Chinese students yelling, watching videos without headphones and eating loudly. Not once did staff move them on or tell them to be quiet. Eventually, they left but didn't clean up after themselves and were quickly replaced by more of them. ===== rcvrd jan 2021