Nah. This is the birthing pangs of high definition filming. They've spent half a million dollars on a single cutting edge camera, so of course they're going to spend a lot on cutting edge lighting, which is fine but no one knows how to use it yet outside of shining a billion lumens frontally at someone in front of a 'green' screen (in this case probably a dark blue screen) and then churning it through their cutting edge CGI schmoo programs, which is fine but no one knows how to use it yet outside of making everyone look like mannequins. The spookiest thing about it is that with instagram and increased social isolation even outside of plague scenarios, and shit like this is that soon there will be an entire generation of kids raised stem to stern with this weird, perfect, unattainable alien as their primary definition of a human. Consider kids raised by streamers, with real time CGI schmoo. Insta-celebs usually drop off around thirty and your parents are probably around thirty when you start consuming media so you just assume that you're supposed to look like a rubbery jello being until you hit a wall at thirty. Gerontophobia is the next big wave, my childless friends. Mark my words. ===== file from Nov 2019 recovered Jan 2021 no idea about context or poster.