Anonymous 07/09/20(Thu)10:46:39 No.25486293 [Reply]▶ Hey /X/ i was wondering if you could help me out with something. When i was around 12 years old my grandpa (who served in the british military and fought in the anglo-iraqi war but got sent back because he lost his leg in combat) Always told me stories from a book seemingly made of rust or atleast a rust like texture, he claimed he found that book in iraq and partially translated it with a friend who worked at the museum. The stories took place before christ and described how the humans before homo sapiens made contact with a alien species that seemingly worshipped a being named Rem, the mother of reality. Some stories took place on the aliens homeplanet and some took place on earth, it's been a long time so i can't fully remember all of them but i do remember some small details >the number 7 was very significant, related to violence/war but also to a monarch made of rust > decay as in "everything rots and dies" was a occult idea within the alien race and taboo untill a civil war that occured on their planet >Rem had 7 children who all but 2 died in a war on the aliens homeplanet, Rem got murdered by one of her kids > remaining children was the same monarch and a sentient black hole > a army of stone fools (that's how my grandpa told me that) would eventually flood the earth I was close with my grandpa and he liked me alot aswell but never allowed me to look into the book itself claiming that i wouldn't understand either way, he also kept mentioning how amazed he was that something like that kept existing for generations in iraq, sumerians? after his death he took the book with him to his grave and requested a small metal 7 to be thrown into his grave aswell What i'm asking is this: does anyone know what book im talking about? Do more copies exist or did my grandpa just make up those stories? Or was he suffering from PTSD? He never got a diagnosis but never acted irrational Questions are welcomed but keep in mind my memory from childhood is really foggy