Anonymous 07/19/20(Sun)13:34:55 No.116375478▶ >>116368015 >>116374188 You can find grrl power antiques from at least the suffragette movement and I'd wager before mass media became as widespread you could still find characters like the heroine/fighter Bradamante from the Italian opera Orlando Furioso/Roland's Rage about the eponymous Carolingian knight. And of course even though Shakespeare's women were played by twinks, the women themselves were usually tomboys crossdressing as men fighting other men. Cringy girl power shit has existed for thousands of years, with people asking "why does this exist" at all points, with the answer always being there's a subset of weak men who think by prostrating themselves to women they can ingratiate themselves with women (which, when considering how early people used to get married just shows that past soibois were even worse- why simp for girls you're never going to fuck because your wife will get pissed at you?) and women who are insecure/delusional about their ability to actually 1v1 men not existing at all simply due to physical differences. History is a grand story of cringy fuckers throughout history getting laughed at by people who realize life is mostly shit and it's better to have comedy than cringe shit to take the edge off.