Anonymous Wed 27 May 2020 13:25:28 No.25083430 Report >>25063181 This is partly because the internet has broken down the barrier between the company and the consumer and made all information about a game so immediately available as to remove any sense of mystery. In the old day "Nintendo" or any other company was just this foreign, abstract entity that gave you a product and let you explore it yourself on their terms and not anyone else's. Now because of the internet and how easy it is to attach the product with a "face" and if you want to just bitch and demand answers there are places you can go for it; no sense of mystery or wonder in the transaction anymore. Because almost no games are developed to be enjoyed on their own isolated merit anymore that "extra content" and purpose are poorly emulated through shit like loot boxes and microtransactions. Games today don't feel like explorable adventures; they're packaged and sold like contracts exchanging time and money for arbitrary, assured "content"