FaramirG kiwifarms.net Yesterday at 6:47 PM #24 OfficerBagget said: She only ever had a relatable life when she was younger and not so famous. Now she's just another out of touch person still doing the same shtick that got her famous. And shes not entirely writing all her songs if I recall she has a big beard dude who co-writers a lot of her songs. Now let that sink in, a grown ass man is helping write these songs too. NOT Sword Fighter Super said: I remember hearing somewhere that most of the people who write for teen vogue were also men in their thirties. lol That's the case for most pop stars.A lot of American pop music is primarily written by two men from Sweden+a team of Harvard English majors at a "song camp", where the singer has minimal input but it ultimately credited as the "writer" when the song is finally released. This seems to be more of a thing with female stars (especially Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, and Rihanna) but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the same thing is happening with male pop stars (there have been rumors about Drake having ghost writers since he first got famous, and I don't believe for a second that Post Malone or the Weeknd are sober for long enough to write a paragraph, let alone a song). That's why "Halo" and "Monster" sound infinitely more intelligent than every Beyonce/Rihanna interview combined, they didn't write that shit themselves. Pop stars, with rare exceptions (Kanye for example, despite being insane, does appear to make his own shit) are to music what actors/actresses are to movies. You don't walk out of Avengers saying "Robert Downey Jr made an amazing movie!" because we all know he's just the performer. But the music industry insists on this bizarre fiction that their singers/brand faces are somehow also creative geniuses. Also regarding Taylor Swift, her dad is a multi-millionaire former Merill Lynch VP who paid out the ass for studios to give her a shot. That's why she's famous. He whole country girl act? Utter bullshit. Daddy was a Wall Street banker, but it's hard to make that into a relatable song for 14-year old girls so she conveniently omitted it from all her super real and honest songs about her childhood.