Zap Boy Zaps Extremely Anonymous 08/25/20(Tue)21:25:20 No.25972950▶ >>25972754 I probably could, but I would hate to be destroyed by an energy I can not comprehend. This reminds me of a story from my childhood that I would like to share; don't worry, it is a case of the paranormal: When I was a boy I was what one would call a "wild child," nobody could tell what I was doing, not even myself. One fine day my parent's were resting while I was playing the fool with my little sister. We were running the property like absolute mongrels, but my mongoloid mind caught eye on something that seemed like a proper opportunity to maybe have some fun. There was an open breaker box on our side yard that was feeding power to our guest house, and my daddy was an electrician, so I had figured that maybe it would be a good idea to mess with it. Mind you: I didn't know how that structure even worked, so in my 'great wisdom,' I just kinda tried to touch a wire with a screwdriver, cause that's how it looked from afar and I didn't know what I was doing. An extreme pulse of power started to zap me, but then it had stopped and flowed to the ground through the (screw)driver as an orange thunderbolt. It made an incredible sound and woke my pop's up from his nap. He had shouted at me, my sister crying about the horror, and on top of getting zapped, I caught a spanking. The beauty of it, was that I should have been turned into pork belly, but I had been spared such an atrocious fate, and instead witnessed a miracle. I was 3 and a ½ years old.