website submissions from V/IB From: VIB 11/21/2020 To: SITK Not sure if this is what you're looking for exactly, i just started typing whatever came to mind. Also i haven't proofread that much and wrote from memory mainly so things may be inaccurate. anthropomorphic characters / furries are pushed so much in childrens fiction to push the evolution lie - to confuse the distinction between man and animal by mixing them. frequently anthropormophic characters are used in traumatic stories to grab the emotions and get people to empathize with them to further cement this. people talk about deaths in lion king or bambi inducing trauma. watership down is infamous for rabbit gore yet got a PG rating. they want people to believe in the evolution lie and to think man is a beast, to push the mark of the beast on them. "funny animals" seem pretty sinister to me. baphomet is a furry / animal human chimera. also they frequently eat the non-anthropomorphic version of themselves. emotional saturation / burnout. fiction frequently asks it's audience to empathize and symphasize with it's characters to burnout peoples empathy and emotions. this includes fakality historical and news fiction in addition to labeled fiction. teachers ask students to empathize with fictional or historical fictional characters and write about that. now it seems most "people" can only have emphathy towards fictional characters. people are out of room in their heart to care because their heart is filled with fiction and fake concerns. people are primed to care about the fast food version of emotions and emphathy instead of the real food version, they can see things in fiction and care about things in fiction but in real life they cannot. the hyperstimulation of fiction numbed their senses towards real things like how fast food can numb childrens taste of real food. sensory overload breaking down the ability to process the senses, so that only the extreme artificial version can be detected. labcoats call this "supernormal stimulus". toothpaste waste There's an urban legend that toothpaste tubes have such a large hole because marketers were being pushed by their bosses to sell more, an engineer (or janitor) gives the suggestion to just make the toothpaste hole bigger so that they sell more. It's sold as a feel good story but its really wasteful and sinister when you think about the poison fluoride. Businesses are all about trying to sell people way more than they need, making a profit off of wasted resources. there was this education video in school we had to watch of a tech hoax - artifical eye implant that was black or white (1bit color) and really low resolution - like 16x10 pixels or something. they promoted it as the start of artificial eye technology. someone pointed out that detroit looked empty even back in 2016. huge buildings yet few cars or people for it's scale. earlier internet was more interesting, there was stuff like competently made yet weird fan games. === From: SITK To: VIB oh hey! glad to read from you, I'll make a guest submissions page real fast. on the "how" section linked to on homepage, it has some html basic stuff you can use. neocities accepts protonmail emails (some sites don't, because protonmail doesn't demand phone numbers), also to my surprise neocities doesn't demand phones or weird personal details. im just playin it safe and dialing it back down. (when i bring up a rage topic though, hooo boy some things i may have to revise and tone them down, grr). those are some great points you brought up, and i remember that eye camera thing mentioned in late 2000s. that can go on the "memory" pages. you really have great contributions! making your own site's easy if you never done it. just make a basic main folder, start off with "index.html", a big huge heap of notepads of code and some images to use, keep making more pages real fast, more folders, etc. it kind of forms itself. it's a fun process, but changing a directory and manually editing pages does suck, but if they're short and easy, it doesn't take too long. so glad you're here!