4chan /x/ - Paranormal [Update] [Auto] This thread is archived File: art_ES_dec2015_model.jpg (12 KB, 432x288) 12 KB Geometric/Mechanical Fever Dreams PT2 Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:01:07 No.27016556▶>>27018162 >>27019326 Was really interested in this sort of thing from a thread a few days ago, especially since I have experienced this myself as a kid. Last thread had people sharing their similar fever dreams, which all had a few things in common. Mainly feelings of nausea, a loud 'hum' or overwhelming silence, the presence of Platonic solids and geometries which shifted and changed colors or size in nauseating ways, a sensation of shrinking or expanding at breakneck speeds, the shapes moving and contracting at a soul crushingly slow pace, daises/flowers, large geometric machinery, and usually the dream ending in vomiting and waking up in a cold sweat. Post theories, your own experiences, and other resources here >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:02:15 No.27016563▶ https://www.dreamviews.com/nightmares-recurring-dreams/29794-geometric-night-terrors-%40-fever-dreams.html early 2000s forum discussion about this subject >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:17:47 No.27016705▶ going to repost some experiences from the last thread now >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:18:57 No.27016717▶ When I was a kid, I would nightmares/night terrors about setting off a machine, a kind of giant geometrical structure of moving parts, that I knew was going to kill everyone, and possibly destroy the universe. The sheer dread, guilt, terror and inevitability was what got me. I cannot describe what it was like, but I'd have these from the age of about 3 (I don't remember before then), till about 8 when they would be far less common and eventually stop. However, in other unrelated dreams I'd occasionally encounter and out of place object (for instance a pyramid made of suspended metal wires) that would set off the feeling again and make me wake up in a cold sweat. There's a little more to this story if people want it, but that's the gist >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:19:58 No.27016730▶>>27019326 Yeah its weird i havnt thought about this in ages but i used to get exactly that as a small child i barely remember when but it felt like it happened alot and i would wake up terrified. the dream felt 2d, like a white room but just white no space and on the white, different coloured circles would appear and they would have their own sound, they would grow larger and larger and the sound would grow aswell, new circles would appear and overlap, slowly getting bigger and louder untill it was unbearable >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:20:19 No.27016738▶>>27016754 >>27019326 what does it mean when I see these shapes when I close my eyes and feel like my surroundings are either shrinking or expanding? Not dreaming, just closing my eyes. >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:21:04 No.27016745▶>>27019326 Pretty weird to see that I'm not the only one that had these experiences when I was a child. My fever dreams were always either some type of geometric terror, or this really specific one where my perspective would grow to the size of the universe, then rapidly shrink down to the size of an atom (and repeat until I woke up in a cold sweat). Maybe it's just our minds getting adjusted to physical existence lol >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:22:31 No.27016754▶ >>27016738 I know that exact feel, it usually happens when I lay down after a long day and I'm especially tired. almost feels like I am drunk. But yeah it feels like all around you is expanding and contracting, there is also a feeling of floating as well. No clue what causes it >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:23:51 No.27016769▶>>27019326 I've heard of this before, here's my two cents: I used to have bad fevers as a kid. Sometimes these would be accompanied by dreams of objects getting "incomprehensibly big" and or would be vibrating more and more until it seemed out of the realm of possibility. They were too much as to be terrifying. One object was a large grey vertical block I figured to be representing the grey coverless pillow my mom would give me to hold during these fevers. Another object was a flower, a daisy, in fact, and only once. Often times I would awake at the apex of the terror and vomit with great force. Interestingly enough in my teenage years I talk to my dad about this once while we were in teh driveway. He said he had experienced similar dreams. >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:24:54 No.27016777▶>>27019326 This very closely resembles dreams I used to have a child. I used to dream of this terrible, incomprehensibly large dark metallic... thing. And it was endlessly crushing a tiny delicate daisy, over and over and over again, and I would feel absolute despair. I also used to wake up from these dreams and vomit so hard it felt like my face was being pulled away from my skull. I had these dreams so long ago that I'm not entirely sure if I was sick with a fever at the time or if these were just regular nightmares, but this dream in particular has stuck with me my whole life. >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:25:55 No.27016795▶ Had a similar dream as a kid. At the time I didn't know there was tons of hidden black mold growing in my closet, and it made me pretty sick sometimes as a result, usually vomiting, nausea, fever, headaches, and generally having a hard time breathing. One particularly bad night I fell asleep really nauseous but figured I could just sleep it off and avoid vomiting. In my dreams it was like how most of you other guys described, like I felt I had no body and was just a consciousness suspended in a huge black void, but I think it was in outer space. Anyways there are these slowly rotating meteorites that felt "alive" in some way. Overlayed on each meteor was a collection of frames of various geometric shapes in different primary and secondary colors, and they too were rotating in on themselves slowly while also flashing subtly sometimes. I kept waking up and falling back asleep at night to that dream, and each time the meteors and shapes seemed more 'intense' until it was an unbearable sensory overload that ended up with me running to the bathroom and vomiting up my dinner and ending up falling asleep on the bathroom floor absolutely exhausted. The concept of the shapes and the meteorites definitely had some kind of intelligence/sapience to them, and to this day it makes me wonder if somehow the mold was communicating its original to me. >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)18:26:56 No.27016805▶ My personal take is that it has to do with maybe how a child's brain can't quite regulate all of the chemicals quite as well as an adult brain can. During a fever, your hypothalamus gets all sorts of fucked up and out of whack. Guess what is right next to the hypothalamus: The pineal gland There's talk of the pineal gland being responsible for the production and dissemination of DMT when we dream, and I am thinking that in kids that get these fucked up fevers, the hypothalamus which is affected by the fever in turn somehow messes with the pineal gland, perhaps somehow getting the child's underdeveloped and young pineal gland to produce extra DMT in order to cause these weird fever dreams. It could be that adult brains simply can regulate themselves better under a fever, and as a result the strange geometry is absent from our dreams. >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)04:12:39 No.27009195▶ >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)20:35:54 No.27018006▶ never had a single one of these that I recall. My dreams tend to be 3d and quite vivid. The closest I can think of was viewing a cabin or old house from the top down, everything was black, but seeing the outlines of walls as white/gray like looking at a blueprint, and then having to navigate through it, it was full of cobwebs. A sense of urgency and dread as if I did not navigate the rooms I may be caught by some evil entity hunting me. >> momentum 12/12/20(Sat)20:44:31 No.27018059▶>>27018072 this is some really twisted content >> kipse 12/12/20(Sat)20:46:22 No.27018072▶ >>27018059 no kidding man . . . >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)21:00:33 No.27018162▶ >>27016556 (OP) They weren't fever dreams, but when I was younger (time frame of roughly 4yrs old to 6) I would often have the same dream many nights. It was like formless color that waxed and waned along with a dull sort of roar I could hear and feel in my head that would also rise and fall, usually in tandem with one specific section of colors flooding my "vision". I vividly remember how odd I felt during these dreams, like a vast empty weight was all around me in the tiniest of spots, all at the same time. When I would wake up, (as I always would, on nights I had this dream I always woke up when it ended), I had a coppery taste in my mouth and each time I'd go out to the living room to sit with my dad who would usually be up after work. I never felt afraid, in fact looking back I guess I felt rather numb and would just quickly fall back asleep on the couch and my dad would carry me back to bed. I've asked him if he remembers and he does, said I never complained about nightmares. I'd just come out and sit and fall asleep. Looking back I can guess the dream lasted maybe two hours on average, as my bedtime was around an hour and a half before dad would get home from work. >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)23:19:09 No.27019198▶>>27019347 I asked this in the last thread but has anyone gotten these dreams as an adult? >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)23:41:03 No.27019326▶ >>27016556 (OP) >>27016730 >>27016738 >>27016745 >>27016769 >>27016777 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_syndrome >> Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)23:43:45 No.27019347▶ >>27019198 I've never personally had them as an adult, my fever dreams now are usually more grounded in reality [Post a Reply] [Return] [Catalog] [Top] 18 / 0 / 5 / 8 [Update] [Auto] This thread is archived