Jan 29 Fri, 2021 === Yeah the last update feels like nothing ago. Feels like it was 2 short days ago, tops. The sky's lowering, the stars are dimming, the moon has that distinct red tinge ("blood"??) in addition to its harsh blue glare. I kinda figured, maybe the reason I wasn't so bothered by the Wifi box years ago, was I was more used to it, more in environments where there'd be INSANE crazy high wifi at all times... actually when I look back. suddenly things make sense. only now do i put the pieces together just NOW, but i had an *extremely*, brutally *bad*, rock bottom, time in my life in early 2010s... what was probably a massively contributing factor was the presence of the fastest, most powerful wifi available in the whole entire area. I was in *the* hotspot for wifi, when it was kind of a new and nonstandard thing. Kind of. no wonder i was so miserable and irritable, and had dark, doom gloom, death despair, terminal feelings all the time. that the world would just die into blackness and concrete, with gray-red skies and the last life form dying hundreds of years ago. you know that feel. that whole "image". i can't get into all that, i'm too tired. but anyway, a lot of really weird shit was happening in the world, in the zeitgeist, in my area, and i was going through a lot of shit. even on days where things "went well" and people "praised me", i still felt horrible, and none of the good could even put a dent in the bad. i guess maybe it was the wifi stuff? i'm certain it was a big factor. anyway, the main point here about the sky lowering - that means the wifi beams are confined closer to me. they bounce shorter distances. they're more dense. plus, being away from wifi hotspots and unplugging the damn thing means i know what it's like to have it *off*, and now I can't EVER go back. i'm now very very concerned about those towers. when the sky reaches its lowest point, it's going to roll up like a scroll. and then the fun begins!!! also speaking of scrolls, obviously a web page or long text file is like a scroll. I bet there were some really fancy scroll rollers back in ye olde tymes, because supposedly books were really expensive to produce, and scrolls were cheap and basic. when i plug in the box, i feel the waves come on. now i know *THAT'S* what that weird buzzy, penetrating feeling was. i used to assume it was something else. when i unplug the box, the waves are still there for a few minutes, but then they clear out. --- i'll finish these later.