>> Anonymous 01/09/21(Sat)17:42:28 No.27295091▶>>27295301 >>27295303 >>27293759 I knew a guy in my AIT (Army school after basic training) Back in 2011. This guy was apparently cooked completely on spice he got off base. I was told he was being kicked out because not only was his mind gone but its not legal to do in the military anyways. I'll give some of my memories of this guy. Im going blank on his name. First day of AIT im in the bathroom before bed brushing my teeth. We had a large shared bathroom/shower. I was finishing up and started talking to some guy. We suddenly heard metal banging coming from inside the walls. This skinny ginger comes crawling out of a vent inside a stall. He just walked out like nothing.Not a word. Covered in lint and dust. Another day im going up to the 2nd floor. Guys start a lightsaber fight (Signal Corp commo guys are all nerds, including myself) During the fight he walks out of his room completely naked and down the hall like nothing. Another time during mail call the Drill Sgt calls his name. Everyone laughed because that guy never shows up for roll call or anything so to expect him at mail call was funny. Then, as if just to prove everyone wrong, the dude jumps down from the tree we do mail call by. He was just sitting up in it and nobody knew. Last one for now. Were going out at 5am for our Friday run to the bingo hall. This guy is walking along side the formation. Sgt dosent say anything to him because he knows hes nuts but everyone kinda likes him because hes always smiling. We ask if he's coming along and he just grabs a pull-up bar and does maybe 15 pullups with only 1 arm. Then he ran off. Its still dark so he was not visible. Jist took off. We didn't see him for 6 days. He showed up on top our 4 story building throwing balls down off the roof. Spice is really bad. This guy had amazing physical abilities and was set to achieve anything he wanted. Ended up a complete nut. Hes not the only one I've seen go so wrong on spice. Idk what causes it but it definitely happens to some people. >> Anonymous 01/09/21(Sat)18:17:55 No.27295301▶ >>27295091 Was his name Gomer Pile by any chance? >> Anonymous 01/09/21(Sat)18:18:04 No.27295303▶>>27295416 >>27295091 Why do all POG jobs always have these guys? 18 series fag here, we had a crackhead who smoked crack in the barracks, would go off base, and fuck hookers at the seedy motel in town. This resulted In him also getting black out drunk, which then resulted in him calling our cadre needing to be picked up at 2am on a Sunday night after he almost got shot by a pimp. Fort Bragg if you're wondering. Also, I'll never understand AIT being so free for most jobs, in infantry it goes white phase, blue phase, red phase, black phase, etc. Our drill sergeants smoked the dog shit out of us that im still convinced was planted by them, for an empty can of dip. Getting and smoking spice, or acting up in a tree, or generally being a tweaker, would not be possible. This was Benning. >> Anonymous 01/09/21(Sat)18:35:07 No.27295416▶>>27295459 >>27295303 He was just too far gone to even bother with. People got fucked up plenty by the Drill Sgt for various reasons. He just wasn't worth the effort in his state. Like yelling at a brick wall. It wasn't about letting him go off. It was about him completely not even understanding what world he was in. No amount of punishment or threats made any sense to him. The Army just wanted him gone and out of their hair. As for being more chill and free, yeah Its AIT commo school. Go figure. A bunch of nerds arent going to go full retard on a bunch of nerds. As long as we were right time right place right uniform we could do what we wanted in the ao if we were cut lose. Many games of Halo 3 and Magic the Gathering were had after class. For day shift anyways. >> Anonymous 01/09/21(Sat)18:42:19 No.27295459▶>>27295520 >>27295416 I guess point being we had no freedom in "AIT", anon. No phone, still at the same CTA we had used for basic. I guess that's why they call it one unit station training. As for spice-man wonder, that boggles my mind. You'd think they'd send him to a program, or something. >> Anonymous 01/09/21(Sat)18:54:33 No.27295520▶ >>27295459 For yall its more about combat so it makes sense to drag out the intensity I guess. I did end up in Afghanistan with a radio and SAW for 6 months at one point so that was kinda funny. I think because he committed a crime and the issue was completely his doing there was really no liability on the military side. Makes sense but I do sometimes wonder what happened to him. 25F fag btw but that MOS is gone I think. Whole commo branch was changing when I got out.