Anonymous 06/30/20(Tue)04:48:21 No.6561771▶>>6561783 >>6563383 File: file.png (1.43 MB, 960x720) 1.43 MB >>6561750 Oh yeah, you're not wrong there. And Klonoa was an extreme case of a pretty common trend at the time. Imagine being part of an ad team and your boss is telling you to market this shit to adults, using edgy humor to keep up with the trends. There's no hot chick in the game so you're wracking your brains and eventually think to yourself "Fucking Klonoa. Sounds like a goddamn venerial disease. You know what fuck it, I'll spin that." Then the boss OK's it because he was told somewhere that incongruousness sticks with the subconscious and they need that ad on shelves yesterday, so who gives a shit. The fine print tells you about the game anyway. ===== rcvrd jan 2021