12/2020 I think they probably inbred in the begining but it didnt have detrimental effects at that point. I have ideas on why it wasnt bad then but might be catastrophic now but lazy to type. Exponential growth means only very few iterations of super inbreeding would take place before things could spread out more. Okay im less lazy Its possible that inbreeding causes severe retardation because at this point we NEED two sets of different genetic material to have enough. Whatever "genetic material" is, has probably done nothing but degrade from the time of adam and eve. Adam and eve had such robust genetic material, maybe their children were vastly different? Maybe a dice roll, genetically, meant more back then. But after all the generations of people being blasted with x rays and baby's first sonogram and mcbeetus etc etc... maybe its just barely enough to make a functioning human anymore and you need different parental sets to begin with. Just a working theory i have. Its not fully fleshed out =====